Marketing July 30, 2022

How To Sell My Home For Top Dollar In Hawaii!

Ever think about why some homes sit longer than others on the market?  Or maybe wonder why some homes sell a lot more than others.  So to answer, “how to sell my home for top dollar in Hawaii” will depend on certain factors.  Sure theres a lot of things that can affect sales such as market conditions, current events, views and more.  But what if everything was the same?  Say you have two condo units on the same “stack”, but one higher than the other.  If they were identical but the lower stack sold for a higher amount on a similar timeframe, wouldn’t that make you wonder?  Additionally, if they were identical, which would sit on the market longer?  Another important question to think of would be which would get more offers?  Undoubtedly that’s where marketing techniques will make a difference if you want to sell your home for top dollar.  Most homes will sell significantly faster and for more money when they are professionally marketed.  Basically if you want professional photographs to showcase your home, simply hire a professional.  Here is just a snippet of what we can do for you to sell your home for top dollar:

Don't take photos like this

How not to take pictures for listings

Our Plan

  • Professional standard photographs
  • Professionally designed website
  • Professional marketing and admin services from start to finish
  • “Just Listed” postcards printed and mailed to targeted buyers
  • “Just Listed” and “Just Sold” electronic mailers
  • Professionally produced television and social media exposure
  • Magazine print advertising (Honolulu Magazine. or HI Luxury Magazine.)
  • Reach to the largest real estate network on Oahu and MORE!

Ready To Get Started?

Altogether marketing is a numbers game.  For the most part, the more people who see your home for sale, the greater chance of finding a buyer and we can help.  Call Earl Solidum (808) 375-3275 or Peter Chessen at (808) 551-4460 today to find out what we can do to sell your home for top dollar.

Earl Solidum

Earl Solidum author

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